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Historical cartography and GIS in the study of cities: the case of L’Aquila

The work presented here is articulated around two main objectives, one more properly scientific-academic, one of an industrial-applicative nature. The starting point, the first aspect, consists in the reconstruction of the urban evolution of the city through the study of historical cartography and of its main places and monuments with the aim of presenting the main transformations in the form of digital, dynamic and interactive cartography.

The second aspect is aimed at focusing on the type of technology to be used, choosing the specific tools within the large family of GIS software. Particular emphasis is placed here on aspects that can be generically identified in solutions for mobile devices for a purpose that can be broadly summarized in terms of “formats for dissemination”.

In the course of the research this last concept has been articulated and re-discussed also in relation to the fact that the very idea of “disclosure” can take on different accents ranging from more traditional solutions to the possibility of sharing an explicit research process and providing a data that is available for further analysis.

Paola Tagliente

The work presented here is articulated around two main objectives, one more properly scientific-academic, one of an industrial-applicative nature.

BioWith a degree in Classical Literature and a specialization in Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology, Paola Tagliente has worked for many years on the history of material culture between the late Middle Ages and the early modern age. She has participated in surveys and excavations in urban and rural contexts in Italy and other countries. In particular she has been a member of archaeological missions abroad, in Turkey (Hierapolis of Phrygia, near Denizli with Salento University and Isos of Caria with Tuscia University) and Ukraine (Chersonessos, near Sevastopol with Texas University). Active practitioner in several emergency, preventive and programmed excavations on the Apulian territory, she also deals with preventive assessments of archaeological risk and with the problem of the relationship between cultural heritage, territorial planning and major works.TechnologyArcGIS Desktop 10.7, ArcGIS Pro 2.7, ArcGIS OnlineLink