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Raffaella Morselli

MorselliRaffaella Morselli is Full Professor of History of Modern Art in the Faculty of Communication of the University of Teramo. Her main interests of research are collecting, purchasing and market of art during the XVI and XVII centuries, in particular Guido Reni and the area of Bologna, the Gonzagas of Mantua and the relationships between artists and the court in the XVII century. She published hundreds of books, museum catalogs, essays and articles in international reviews. She is visiting professor of many italian and foreign universities. She is member of the scientific committees of several international exhibitions and journals. She was research fellow at the Getty Center (Los Angeles) from 1990 to 1994. Among her pubblications, Collezionisti e quadrerie nella Bologna del Seicento (Los Angeles, 1998), Repertorio per lo studio del collezionismo bolognese del Seicento (Bologna, 1997), I disegni della Biblioteca Nacional di Rio de Janeiro (Milano, 1995), Le collezioni Gonzaga. L’elenco dei beni del 1626-1627 (2000); Le collezioni Gonzaga. La quadreria (2006).