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Gregorio Fernández

Gregorio FernandezGregorio Fernández (1576-1636) was the greatest exponent of the Castilian school of sculpture. Galician by birth, he settled in Valladolid when the city was the seat of the court (1601-1606) and remained there until his death. Although influenced by Renaissance artists and classicists like Alonso Berruguete, Juan de Juni and Pompeo Leoni, Gregorio Fernández was one of the greatest exponents of Baroque in Spain. He worked for a long time for congregations that organized the Holy Week celebrations, creating splendid specimens of processional pageants (pasos) for them. He also left many examples of Cristos yacentes (Dead Christs), of Pietà , Christ crucified and retables. An important part of his production is now preserved in the Museo Nacional de Escultura of Valladolid.