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The Neapolitan Republic of 1799

Fonseca PimentelFollowing the conquest of the kingdom of Naples by the troops of the French revolution led by General Championnet, a Pro-French republic was proclaimed in Naples, led by many prominent personalities of the Neapolitan bourgeoisie and intelligentsia. The republic, proclaimed on 23 January 1799, however, lasted until the month of July of the same year thanks to the withdrawal of French troops from southern Italy, with the return to the throne of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon. The Republicans were arrested, tried, and some of them executed. Among the latter there were Ignazio Ciaia, Pasquale Baffi, Mario Pagano, Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca (image), Luisa Sanfelice, Domenico Cirillo, Francesco Caracciolo, Giuseppe Leonardo Albanese and Vincenzo Russo.