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Giacomo Carissimi

Giacomo CarissimiGiacomo Carissimi (1605-1674) was one of the leading Italian composers of the Baroque period, prominent representative of the Roman school. He was born at Marino, near Rome, but of him we have only scant biographical information. He was active as a cantor and organist in the cathedral of Tivoli between 1623 and 1627, while the next two years was choirmaster in the cathedral of Assisi. Finally, from 1630 until his death, he carried out the duties of choirmaster of the Church of S. Apollinare in Rome. Carissimi was the author, on the whole, of 207 oratorios and sacred motets in Latin for one-twelve voices, 8 masses, 227 secular cantatas in Italian, 4 burlesque cantatas, 42 verses for organ in the eight church modes and the short treatise of theory and composition Ars cantandi.