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The Procession of the Santo Entierro in Zaragoza

The fact that the Procession of the Santo Entierro (Holy Burial), involves all the confraternities in  Holy Week in Zaragoza, means that the Good Friday procession is staged as a single complete representation of the Passion of Christ. This rarely happens in Spain, where it is more frequent to attend individual processions that are distributed throughout Holy Week or within the same day (which, among others, also happens in Zaragoza in the remaining days of the Holy Week). In most cases, therefore, we witness a partial representation (since not all the scenes from the Way of the Cross are evoked), which is repetitive (because each Brotherhood takes the same pair of pasos, that of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary) into procession and interminable (since we witness an obsessive and reiterative confrontation between Mother and Son). The Procession of the Holy Burial takes place at the pace of the typical percussion instruments (tambores, timabales and bombos) and the screeching sound of the carraca (a rudimentary wooden instrument, also used in Italy during the Easter period in lieu of bells).