The research activity concerns the study in historical perspective of the presence of the main families of the Franciscan order (conventuals, minors, Capuchins) in Abruzzo from the first foundations (13th century) to the subversion of the ecclesiastical heritage after the unification of Italy. With the aim of showing how the presence of the Franciscans in the Abruzzo region has profoundly marked not only religious and cultural events, but also social life, between the Middle Ages and the modern age, contributing significantly to the cultural and artistic growth of the area.
Franciscan Abruzzo. A virtual tour of the Franciscan order for the promotion of the region’s historical and cultural heritage (13th-19th centuries)
Antonio Russo
The research activity concerns the study in historical perspective of the presence of the main families of the Franciscan order (conventuals, minors, Capuchins) in Abruzzo.
BioGraduated in historical sciences from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. In 2017 he published for the publisher Aracne, the monograph "Controrivoluzione e brigantaggio in Basilicata. Il caso Chirichigno". He is currently a doctoral student at the University of Teramo, where he deals with the study of the Franciscan presence in Abruzzo between the thirteenth and nineteenth centuries.Technologynot defined yetLinkunavailableShare