Dissemination in the field of historical and cultural heritage means aiming to disseminate, enhance and make known in an innovative way through digital tools to the widest possible public many aspects of history and culture that have enormous potential from the point of view of education, tourism and, more generally, peaceful coexistence between peoples and cultures.

The Route of Baroque in “Spanish” Italy and in Spain Spanish Italy and Spain were great protagonists of Baroque culture in Europe and in the world. Knowing and loving the testimonies of the Baroque is a fundamental step towards the protection and enhancement of this…

The project aims to investigate the cultural policies of the Capuchin Friars, in the 17th and 18th centuries, starting from the analysis of the Order’s historical archives in central Italy.

Historical mapping test from GIS / Marseille pendant la Révolution française (1789-1792) : essai de cartographie historique à partir d’un système d’information géographique.

The project has two aims: the first is to virtually reconstruct Ferrante Gonzaga’s personal archive, the second is to create a user-friendly tool to facilitate consultation.

The work presented here is articulated around two main objectives, one more properly scientific-academic, one of an industrial-applicative nature.