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BurgosThe first news of the Castilian city of Burgos dates back to the ninth century A.D, at the height of Muslim rule on the Iberian peninsula. Having been the capital of the county of Castile, it became the capital of the kingdom of Castile from 1038 and until 1085, the year of the Christian reconquest of Toledo. In the Early Modern period it experienced a period of flourishing trade, thanks to its favourable geographical position, during the sixteenth century. In the cortes (the Parliamentary Assembly of the Kingdom of Castile), celebrated in Burgos in 1515, the incorporation of the kingdom of Navarre in the kingdom of Castile was also made ?official. Like many other towns of the peninsula, Burgos also experienced a period of severe crisis in the seventeenth century, part of a more general economic crisis mainly due to the enormous amount of resources needed to finance the European wars of the Habsburg Monarchy. The plague repeatedly struck the population, provoking serious losses among it. The recovery of the city would only start in the late eighteenth century.