Medieval scholasticism
A philosophical-theological doctrinal current, cultivated and developed in the schools of medieva lEurope from the Carolingian age until the Renaissance. The philosophical schools of thought that embraced this system were located at the cathedrals and monasteries then moved on, during the thirteenth century, to the university. The aim of the School was to understand Christianity by resorting to classical philosophy, especially Aristotle’s thought. The method used to subordinate reason to faith was basically based on the repetitive study of the Bible and ancient texts.
Read more:
- J.A. Merino, Historia de la filosofía medieval, Madrid 2001.
- P. Vignaux (traducción de T. de Segovia), El pensamiento en la Edad Media, México 1990.
- É. Gilson, El espíritu de la filosofía medieval, Madrid 2004.