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The neapolitan conservatories in the nineteenth century

San Pietro a Majella

In 1806, King Joseph Bonaparte merged the institutes of Santa Maria di Loreto and Sant’Onofrio with the Conservatorio della Pietà dei Turchini, that assumed the new title of Royal College of Music. But in 1808 the king, because of the insufficiency of the premises, did move the music school at the Monastero delle Dame Monache di San Sebastiano, so the Royal College of Music took the name of Conservatory of San Sebastian. Finally, in 1826, by decree of Francis I, the College moved permanently in the old monastery of San Pietro a Majella (photo), where the archives of the old conservatories are still preserved, except, as we have said, those relating to the Poveri di Gesù Cristo, under the management of the diocese.





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