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The Giants in Spain in the nineteenth and twentieth century

The golden age of the Spanish giants, which began at the end of the Middle Ages, suffered a setback in the century of the Enlightenment, especially after the restrictive measures taken by Charles III in 1780. During the nineteenth century, however, the Giants proliferated again, reinterpreted as national symbols. The Civil War (1936-1939) resulted in the destruction of many giants and the fall into disuse of others. During the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, many of them were exploited by reactionary clergy and the propaganda of the regime. The death of the caudillo (1975) ushered in a period of recovery and reinvention of the entire Spanish giant repertoire. The feasts today are a blend of ancient examples and modern gigantic figures, often juxtaposed in a confused way, but have not lost the charm of their mysterious origins.