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The Cirialots are 24 people in costume who proceed the monstrance carrying the Blessed Sacrament, carrying huge votive candles in their hands (now mostly made of wood) up to two meters high. The number and appearance of Cirialots are reminiscent of the 24 Elders of the Apocalypse of Saint John, “clothed in white garments, with golden crowns on their heads”, who worship God sitting upon his throne. From the time of the first Corpus Christi celebrations, the rite of Cirialots has undergone several transformations. The increase in the number of carriers (12 to 24), was followed by an increase in the weight of the candles, which over time have assumed the character of real works of art. Their carriage, which was once a sign of social distinction, is now organized by the Asociación de amigos del Corpus.