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The first procession of Holy Monday in Castelsardo

In the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the Prior of the confraternity assigns the ten symbols that depict the Calvary of Jesus to the brothers selected: upon the assignment of the Mistero the affiliate is hooded (a device that will transform him into the anonymous representative of the entire community during the penitential Rite). The symbols of the Passion are carried out (along with the skull, the Bust of the Crucified Christ and the Singers) in the beautiful medieval Basilica of Nostra Signora di Tergu, Our Lady of Tergu, the “Sardinian Montecassino”, located in the  municipality of the same name, not far from Castelsardo. At one time this done on foot. Today, after the procession in the historic centre, the brothers reach Tergu by car and the procession only comprises the Way of the Cross which then leads to the Basilica, where the Misteri will be presented to the Madonna. When the sun is about to rise, the brothers prepare for the procession: the choir of the Miserere is followed by the six Mysteries of the Flagellation (the chalice, the glove, the chain, the column, the scourging and the crown of thorns), that of the Stabat by the remaining four symbolizing the Crucifixion (the cross, the ladder, hammer and tongs, the lance and the sponge). The choir of Jesu closes the procession. At the end of the Mass, a banquet is held in the countryside to which visitors are also invited.