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Holy Wednesday in Caltanissetta: the Real Maestranza and the Varicedde

Mercoledi santoOn Holy Wednesday in CaltanissettaOf ancient origins, Caltanissetta has linked its name to the Moncada of Paternó, the powerful aristocratic family who ruled the city for more than four centuries, until the abolition of feudalism in Sicily (1812). Like other cities in Sicily, Caltanissetta also was involved in an anti-Savoy revolt in 1718, only to spend a few years later, as the rest of Sicily, under Bourbon rule. there are two spectacular ceremonies: the procession of the Real Maestranza and the Blessed Sacrament and that of the Varicedde. The ritual in which the Maestranza plays an important role starts early in the morning.

During the evening of this same day a preview of the great gospel account takes place in Caltanissetta: the procession of nineteen Varicedde (miniature reproductions of the vare, the groups of statues of Holy Thursday). The small vare (in terracotta, with some parts in wood and papier-mâché) are also called barette. The word vara, in fact, more generally, indicates the wagon or the bier on which the bodies of Christ, the Virgin Mary and patron saints lie or are stored. By extension, then, it identifies the entire processional pageant, composed of the base and statues. The procession of the Varicedde began in the late nineteenth century, thanks to some young apprentice artisans who sought to imitate that of Holy Thursday. In the following years, between 1925 and 1995, the groups of statues have been restored, enlarged and then gradually replaced with current examples (which belong to some families from the town). Nowadays the procession, the organization of which was the basis for the special association “Piccoli gruppi sacri” (Small religious groups) perfectly traces the path of the procession of Holy Thursday. The Varicedde, placed on special carts, pass through the streets in the following order: The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden, The Sanhedrin, The Flagellation, Ecce Homo, The Sentence, The first fall, Jesus meets His Blessed Mother, Simon of Cyrene, Veronica, The Stripping, Jesus is nailed to the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Deposition, The Pietà , The Translation of the Body, The Sacred Urn and The Desolation. The emotive and long parade ends at night. In the following days, the Varicedde remain on display in the Town Hall.

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