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The Congregations of the Holy Week of Malaga

Malaga5The members of the Cofradías or Hermandades (Brotherhoods) differ between hermanos de luz (who bear the candles to illuminate the sacred images) and hermanos de sangre (the so-called penitents or flagellants, who, in the past, imitated Christ’s suffering inflicting real corporal damage on themselves). The members of the association bring crosses in the penitential procession and, most importantly, the tronos. Among the other types of brothers, we highlight those that are appointed to carry the remaining symbols of the confraternities and spread the fragrance of incense in the air. In some cases, processions also include the participation of a paramilitary component. Currently there are 41 such associations participating in Holy Week in Malaga (from Palm Sunday to Easter), to which must be added those who parade on Friday and Saturday of the  Passion. The partnership with the largest number of affiliates is that of the Pasión, which has about 1,200 brothers.