PhD Program in Historical Studies
The PhD Program in Historical Studies from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age of the Universities of Teramo and Chieti Pescara (Italy) aims to promote the study of historical disciplines in relation to national specificities and common processes that, to varying degrees and over the period considered, have contributed to the formation of the world today. Particular attention is paid to the critical analysis of phenomena linked to political, religious, cultural, economic and social history on a European and global scale, also in relation to the new strands of “digital humanities” and “public history”.In fact, the PhD Program aims to be a point of reference for historical research applied to cultural heritage and the dissemination of history through digital tools to a wider public.

Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione
Università degli studi di Teramo
Campus di Coste Sant'Agostino
Via Renato Balzarini - 64100 Teramo
PhD Program in Historical Studies
University of Teramo
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